FAQ - imprend handover and transition plans

Got questions? We've got answers
Why the high-five?
The high-five represents you tagging into a match. As your teammate leaves the ring, they might have some key words of advice. Once inside, however, you're on your own. We make sure that advice lands.
How many users am I allowed?
We have no limits on read users. Anyone from your company is able to view created hiagrams free of charge.
Does your platform integrate with other software and tools?
We are completely browser-based and expect to include a handful of integrations in the near future. While some tools want to be the center of your business universe, we would prefer to be your point solution for when you actually need us - starting with handover.
What are your fees and how are they charged?
Our handover hiagrams are free to make! For our Secure Team plan, we have a metered pricing model based on the number of handover hiagrams created. This is charged to your account monthly, with an invoice sent to you two weeks in advance to avoid any surprises!
What are your policies and procedures regarding data storage?
imprend’s servers and your data are hosted in Microsoft Azure data centres. Microsoft has proper controls in place to assure physical and network security.Within our environment we treat all customer data as equally sensitive and have strict controls governing this data. We will not access the customer data without an explicit authorization from the owner of the data. All access to customer data is logged and audited internally.Azure data centres are housed in nondescript facilities where physical access is strictly controlled both at the perimeter and at building access points by professional security staff, video surveillance, intrusion detection systems, and other electronic means. Access to their data centre floors requires two-factor authentication a minimum of two times.  Azure maintains multiple certifications for its data centers, ISO 27001 compliance, PCI Certification, and SOC reports. Further details can be found at: https://azure.microsoft.com/nl-nl/blog/microsoft-azure-leads-the-industry-in-iso-certifications/
Do you offer non-profit discounts?
Our handover hiagrams are free to make! For our Secure Team plan, in line with our commitment to having a tangible and lasting impact on the societies and communities we serve, we indeed offer non-profit discounts. Please do get in contact.
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Robust controls for knowledge transfer shouldn't be limited to large enterprise.
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All handovers free until June 2024

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